Lynfield College Lynfield College

Year 11 Humanities - Accounting

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Miss S. Lal.

Who would be interested in this course?

Students who enjoyed Accounting in Year 10 Commerce or students who enjoy numbers in Maths.

Students study Accounting specifically as it affects individuals, households, community organisations and sole proprietor's businesses. It equips students with the ability to cope with the essential skills of modern money management regardless of the career path they choose in their future.

Accounting enables the students to understand, process and communicate financial information for both an individual and a wide variety of business entities. It promotes self-management of personal financial and spreadsheets skills that are essential in daily life. Students also develop the ability to apply financial knowledge and skills to practical situations. It provides the basis for the accurate processing of data into meaningful information which in turn is analysed and interpreted to assist many users of financial reports to make wise decisions.

This is a half year course and counts as one option course selections.


Year 11 Options, Humanities


Level 2 Accounting

Career Pathways

Accountant, Auditor, Accounts Officer, Finance Manager, Statistician, Debt Collector, Urban/Regional Planner, Emergency Management Officer, Technical Writer, Corrections Officer, Policy Analyst, Case Manager