Teacher in Charge: Mr C. Bangs.
Who would be interested in this course?Students who have completed the ELIP Foundation course or 10ELS and need more language development, or the equivalent for new ELLs.
Using a variety of interactive strategies, students will develop grammar and vocabulary and writing, improve reading and listening comprehension and be assisted in coping with the language demands of their other subjects.
Year 11 Options, English, ESOL
Diagnostic assessment throughout the year to determine progress in vocabulary acquisition, grammar, reading, writing and listening.
Level 2 EFS - English for Further Studies, Level 2 ELS - English Language Study
This is a support course for 1EFS.
Contributions and Equipment/StationeryA device, 1B5 exercise book, 1B3 notebook, clearfile, refill, highlighter, pens, pencil, eraser