This course requires 2 courses.
Year 11 Art - Digital Media
Course Description
Teacher in Charge: Mr G. Hambridge.
The theme for the year is Ko Wai Tatu - Who are we?. All students will research established Maori, NZ and International artists and develop their digital illustration skills. Art mediums include drawing, painting, digital painting (wacom tablets), Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Animate to create artworks. Students will complete workbooks for the various Adobe programs and prepare and generate work for a Level 2 Internal Achievement Standard.
Learning tasks include:
Workbook developing technical Adobe Photoshop skills (presented as evidence on how to work with painterly techniques).
Workbook developing technical Adobe Illustrator skills (presented as evidence on how to work with vector techniques).
Workbook developing technical Adobe Animate skills (presented as evidence on how to work with frame by frame and basic tweens).
Artist image analysis (digital workbook / compare and contrast assessment).
Developing ideas and creating a series of work in preparation for an animation in response to Ko Wai Tatu - who are we?’ theme.
Creating an animation (gif) (To support evidence for the Level 2 internal AS 2.5 Produce a resolved work that demonstrates control of skills appropriate to cultural conventions).
This is a full year course and counts as two option course selections.
Who would be interested in this course?
This course leads to Level 2, Level 3 Visual Art Painting, Design, Photography, and tertiary study for a wide range of careers in photography that include; commercial, forensics, industrial, medical, fashion, documentary, visual arts photography and allied fields such as visual arts, design, screen-printing, publishing, photojournalism, photo finishing, museum and gallery curating, and education.
Achievement in Year 9 or Year 10 Visual Arts is preferable but not essential. Students must have an interest in traditional drawing and digital art making. If new to Art, must seek approval from HOD Visual Arts, Mr Glynn Hambridge.
Exclusions: Students in this course may not take 11ART or 11PHO.
Contributions and Equipment/Stationery
All course related materials for use in class will be supplied by the school. It is highly recommended that a 16GB USB flash drive is purchased and that students sign up for the discount priced Adobe license offered by the school, which will allow students access to Abode Cloud at home.
Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
Visual Arts 2.5 - Produce a resolved work that demonstrates control of skills appropriate to cultural conventions