Essential Numeracy for Y12 and Y13
Course Description
Teacher in Charge: Mr B. Coop.
This course is designed for those Year 12 and 13 students who have yet to achieve their Numeracy. The aim is to attain Numeracy in a learning setting where you feel socially comfortable. In this course you will prepare for sitting the new Numeracy digital external that is offered to all students in both week 8 of Term 2 and again in week 8 of Term 4. The learning will be initially skills based, then will focus heavily on your ability to understand and interpret problems that are presented in the new Numeracy external. Once obtained, these 10 credits will enable you to receive your NCEA certificates at all levels. If you pass the Term 2 Numeracy assessment, these results will not be known until August, after which time we would offer additional learning on a case by case basis.
Learning will cover the seven Content Ideas of operations on numbers, mathematical relationships (graphs), spatial properties and representations (2D & 3D), location and navigation, measurement, statistics and data, elements of chance. The three Process Ideas will also be covered in order to formulate an approach to a problem, use Mathematics to solve a problem and explain the reasonableness of a given approach to a problem.
This is a full year course and counts as both of your Mathematics course selections.
Who would be interested in this course?
For those Year 12 and 13 students who have yet to achieve their Numeracy requirement. The aim of this course is to re-enliven your interest in Maths by teaching it differently and focusing on real life contexts that involve mathematics and statistics. The aim is to attain Numeracy so that you qualify to receive your NCEA certificates.
Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
Apply mathematics and statistics in a range of everyday situations
Mathematics and Statistics 2.1 - Apply co-ordinate geometry methods in solving problems