Year 9 Japanese

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Ms J. Kim.

こんにちは!KONNICHI WA. Welcome to your first year of Japanese at Lynfield College. 

We will develop your reading, writing, listening and speaking skills in ways which are fun and in which you can monitor your own progress. Japanese is offered right through to Year 13. We offer some opportunities for students to visit Japan while they are studying Japanese. Japanese Language offer an array of skills which are highly valued by employers from all sectors. Because foreign language is not narrowly focused on specific career paths, you have a wide array of professional options! 

What is the point of learning a language?

Multilingual people are able to communicate and interact within multiple communities. Potential employers consider this a valuable asset in an employee’s skill set, as they’re able to connect with a broader range of people. You up your personal and professional value if you’re able to negotiate with manufacturers in another country or communicate with customers who don’t speak your native language.

Not to mention, your ability to speak a second language conveys that you’re motivated and driven to learn new skills, and this also gives you a competitive edge over those who haven’t yet become bilingual.

Many would argue that bilingualism is becoming a progressively necessary and essential skill for anyone who wants to keep up with today’s rapidly increasing global economy. As more and more people recognize the importance of learning an additional language, those who only speak one language will begin to get left behind in our shift towards a more integrated and connected global society. 

Course Outline: 

Give a full self-introduction in Japanese

Write sentences in hiragana

Type in Japanese

Talk about your family

Describe the life of a Japanese student your age 

Calligraphy / Origami/anime

Describe sports, food both in NZ and Japan 

Describe yourself (physical characteristics)    

Talk about likes/dislikes

Talk and write about various cultural topics

Who would be interested in this course?

Any student with an interest in Japanese.

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

Need to bring their own notebook. It is BYOD school so students must bring devices to every class.
Students will be using electronic platform, Education Perfect.
Hiragana booklet will be given to students. They are required to bring their Hiragana red book every time when they have Japanese.
