Lynfield College Course Selection


Welcome to Lynfield College Course Selection. You can use this site to view information about the Faculties, courses, careers, and pathways.  

The course selection tool is designed to help you make the best possible course choices by giving you the most up to date information about individual courses available for you to select and showing how they relate to your course and career pathways. 

It is important to make informed decisions about your courses and to choose wisely 

 Remember this is your pathway, make your own choices.

Your Deans and the Faculty Leaders listed below are always available to help you with your course selection. Additionally, your whanau, subject teachers, careers team, Hui mai teachers, or the teacher in charge of the course you may be selecting are also smart choices to speak with.

2024 Deans

Year Level      Dean                        Email
Year 9 Dean
Sarah Reynolds[email protected]
Year 10 Dean Hannah Arthur [email protected] 
Year 11 DeanStuart Braithwaite
[email protected]
Year 12 DeanJames Appleby[email protected]
Year 13 Dean Raneeta Prasad [email protected]
Academic AdvisorNeil Waddington[email protected]
FacultyFaculty LeaderEmail
Creative ArtsGreg McLarin[email protected]
English and LanguagesJennifer Moss[email protected]
Health and Physical EducationDuncan Smith[email protected]
Humanities and Commerce   Danielle Norman[email protected]
Mathematics and StatisticsBen Coop[email protected]
ScienceRob Eyre[email protected]
TechnologySonia Wensor[email protected]